Verjüngung Wir bieten
die Chance Ihres Lebens, eine echte Verjüngung erleben zu können. Eine tiefe Arbeit, die es ermöglicht, Ihren Kopf zu erhellen, Ihr Herz zu erhellen, Ihren Körper zu erhellen und somit Ihren Körper auf natürliche Weise ohne unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen zu verjüngen.
Das Alter ist eine Konditionierung des Geistes, und viele Frauen, die schön und jung bleiben wollen, greifen zu hestischen Operationen. Aber Schönheitsoperationen sind eine schlechte Lösung, die nur die Illusion von Jugend vermittelt.

Der Der Geist beeinflusst den Körper, der Körper beeinflusst den Geist.

Unsere Intervention ermöglicht es Ihnen, sich nach und nach jung in Ihren Gedanken, jung in Ihren Emotionen und jung in Ihrem Körper zu fühlen. es ist weltweit einzigartig
Der Weg zur ewigen Jugend führt durch perfekte Harmonie mit dem Leben um uns herum. Wir helfen Ihnen, diese intime Kommunikation in ihrer Reinheit wiederherzustellen, damit Sie spüren, wie sich ein neues Leben in Ihnen, in Ihrem Geist, in Ihrem Herzen und in Ihren Emotionen ausbreitet. Unvergesslich und fantastisch.
"My several past studies have allowed me to find solutions in the field of wellness, health and rejuvenation in order to help people. A feat that few experts have been able to achieve to this day. (The video testimony of the woman on my site describes the rejuvenation she experienced).
I was also interested in "how to increase life". Naturally, patients came to me with more and more complex pathologies. Word of mouth worked pretty well.
My methods allowed me to observe that the personalized accompaniments helped to heal those who were experiencing some kind of imbalance, an indefinite localized or general malaise or those who had been suffering from a chronic illness for a long time.
Those who were in good health saw an improvement in their performance. Getting rid of the decades of accumulated stress allows them to rejuvenate, to find a new youth, both in body and mind. The results can be felt after a few months.
I believe that rejuvenating the cell can only be done by taking into account the vital energy supply of the cell. This vital energy decreases as time goes by in a normal life.
In the present state of our knowledge, I believe that a genetic modification cannot increase the life of the cell in a perennial way if one cannot improve its basic genetics. The results would be random and chaotic. Each organ of the human body vibrates in frequencies that are sometimes magnetic, sometimes electric and not always in balance. An electro-magnetic imbalance prevents performance but also leads to disease and old age. Cancer, which is a multifactorial disease, is an example.
The two main sources of influence of ill-being and disease are to be taken into consideration, since they influence all our cells permanently, and thus condition our longevity. Our brain with its generation of ideas, and then with its generation of emotions. We cannot escape it, it is better to be positive.
Access to immortality requires a good understanding of our basic holistic functioning in its slightest complexities and requires a very healthy and solid foundation to consider any regeneration program. 80% of annual deaths in France are due to disease. Purifying, strengthening, rebalancing, or even eradicating cellular disease first and foremost can allow us to envisage a humanity that can live several hundred years. The basic work is there according to me.
Do you want to rejuvenate your body, improve your physical form or give yourself the best chance to heal ? Contact us."